Israeli desert has it all
About The Tour
Over 60% of the land of Israel is desert, but only a small percent of the population lives in the south. Most of the land is barren with very little construction. The area has a beautiful landscape and very little of it has been touched. Either hiking, national / historical landmarks, high-tech Farming & agriculture, archeological sites and more: the Israeli desert has it all.
Tour Itinerary
➤ Startups of the South
Visit one of the high-tech/ low tech startups in the south. All these companies were founded under the ideology of building the south. As a remote part of the country- these companies are the backbone of the thriving lives in the south of Israel.
➤ Farming & Agriculture
Visit one of the top sites for R&D that is battling the harsh desert conditions. Learn about how some of the developments have a contribution to the rest of the world.
➤ Ben Gurion's Grave
The grave of Israel's first prime minister and one of its founding fathers, overlooking one of the most beautiful and inspirational spots in Israel.
➤ Ein Ovdat Canyon
Optional hike in A wonderful Oasis in the middle of the desert that is the source of life to all wildlife in the area.
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