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Israeli desert has it all

About The Tour

Over 60% of the land of Israel is desert, but only a small percent of the population lives in the south. Most of the land is barren with very little construction. The area has a beautiful landscape and very little of it has been touched. Either hiking, national / historical landmarks, high-tech Farming & agriculture, archeological sites and more: the Israeli desert has it all.

Tour Itinerary

Startups of the South

Visit one of the high-tech/ low tech startups in the south. All these companies were founded under the ideology of building the south. As a remote part of the country- these companies are the backbone of the thriving lives in the south of Israel.

Farming & Agriculture

Visit one of the top sites for R&D that is battling the harsh desert conditions. Learn about how some of the developments have a contribution to the rest of the world.

Ben Gurion's Grave

The grave of Israel's first prime minister and one of its founding fathers, overlooking one of the most beautiful and inspirational spots in Israel.

Ein Ovdat Canyon

Optional hike in A wonderful Oasis in the middle of the desert that is the source of life to all wildlife in the area.

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